Monday, April 04, 2005


Malaysia! Malaysia! Malaysia's On Fire! We Don't Need The Devil cause the devil's a Liar! ~Ben Woods

Hey, It's me again, the infamous me....It's been sooooooo long since I've blogged........

Chaos hit's the street once again, at least for me, parents are away somewhere, my schedulesare messed up, grades are depleting, and I feel somehow being stalked.

Annyway, on Sunday morning, it has stunned me to learn that my church doesn't know about the Planet Shakers concert that is held in Newlife Church tonight at 7:30pm!! This event is like, all over town, and yet my church didn't know about it!?!?! Ah well, luckily I brought along the brochure along, this must be God's will!! But only a few saw the brochure, but at least it's better then all of them not knowing....

So in the afternoon I laze around the house, doing nothing but chat online, listen to music....can time not go any faster?? I'm getting really bored waiting at home doing nothing when the Planet Shakers Concert is tonight!!! I fell asleep anyway, it just got soo bored, and it's raining pretty heavy outside, really cooling for a nice long nap...

Woke up again at 5pm, chat a little longer, prepare for the concert and everything. Made a couple of calls to ensure place and time to meet. Yay. At 7pm left for the concert, didn't wanna get stuck in traffic, it was still raining anyway. When I got there, I almost couldn't see the church, it was jammed packed with people, I feel like a sardine in a can when I squeezed my way to register myself, got a little glowy stick thingy, it glows when I snap it, up with my friends, namely Kong Weng, Richard, Simon, Nicholas, Karuna, Karen, Jenna, Alan, Kevin Tan and Kevin Soo. I think there are others who I recognize, but almost got hit by the stampede, people rushing into the auditorium as soon as the ushers opened the doors. There...we meet the one and only, Planet Shakers from Sydney, Australia!! We all wanted to just jump up on stage and grab the team, but we know it was couldn't anyway, clapping and cheering burst out from the crowd, my eardrums still suffer from the ringing after the concert! Man did it hurt.......Planet Shakers sang a few songs, we just follow through, by screaming, shouting, jumping like there was no tomorrow, songs of praises rising up, filling the auditorium with echos of young youths, such as it is, a simple concert.

When we have........Ben Woods, our guest speaker to preach to us the word of God, let it be a testimony to all people, The battle has already been won, between God and the Devil. God won of course.........And after the preaching, we have more singing and praise! Whoo hooo!!! Sadly, it had to end, but what could be better than to get their autograph?!?!? And we can get to purchase the night's experience on DVD! But that will have to wait, they still need to reproduce it to make it nicer, and copyrighted CD Albums of Planetshakers, Open Up The Gates, Reflector, Rain Down, and a couple more......and to make matters worse, I didn't bring enough cash!! I didn't get their signatures after all...

Came back, entered my blog entry, and konked to bed.
The End.

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