Friday, September 28, 2007


You know the truth, you found out. I told myself to let it go.

All I wanted for you was to aknowledge me as a friend. I understand you have your issues, I try to help. Maybe I shouldn't, since it usually ends abruptly, or silently, never pleasantly.

I've known you not for too long, but long enough for you to know me as well. But it doesn't seem to matter when all I can do is stand in the the sidelines and watch you crash.

I've tried and I've tried. I apologised many times.

I say things I don't realize it meant something. Please don't hate me for that.

I want to give up.

I want to start over move on.

But I don't think we need to until you want too as well.

1 comment:

KeNth said...

hey, it does sound like it's referring to me. maybe we should talk some day